Friday, August 14, 2009

What is Normal?

Within each society there are people that are considered normal, or ordinary. In the American society it may be blond hair, blue eyes. In the Middle East, it may be tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes. In the novel Never Let Me Go, it is clones. Within each different community, there are different customs, beliefs or traditions; all considered normal within that specific society. However, when these different societies interact, or mix, who really is normal? Instead of being normal there are many unique people, different and similar in many ways. Which then brings us to the question what is racism? If every nationality is different then shouldn't they all be racist against each other? Or should we all accept our differences in peace and harmony?


Blogger Alyssa DaVolio said...

Great questions! I think people should respect the differences we have with each other because if we were all the same then life would be boring. If you think about it where would the world be if everyone thought the same. It's the people who think differently that give us the new inventions that we use every day. People who say they are normal have to understand that no one else is the same way that they are... so no one else is normal.

August 15, 2009 at 12:11 PM  

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